Tokyo-based AHRMS Inc., (President and CEO: Yuki Ujimasa, DVM, MS) announced the company were granted the following business licenses for their business:
– Marketing License of 1st Animal Medicines for prescription drugs
– Marketing License of 2nd Animal Medicines for other than prescription drugs
– Manufacturing License of Animal Medicines for packaging, labeling and strage
– Marketing License of 2nd Animal Medical Devices
– Manufacturing License of Animal Medical Devices
– Wholesale Lincense of Animal Medicines and Animal Medical Devices
– Retail Lincense of Animal Medicines and Animal Medical Devices
Thanks to the licenses, AHRMS, Inc. can play the same role as manufacturers of animal medicines and/or animal medical devices in Japan, i.e. license-in, register, promote and distribute products, and work as D-MAH (designated marketing authorization holoder) for foreign comapnies that do not have any entities in Japan yet.
Dr. Ujimasa, President, said “We could strengthen our business abilities by the above licenses. We would like to become a bigger window for foreign companies who want to enter into Japanese market.
The Japanese animal medicinal market is worth 1.3 billion US dollars in 2020.