Thanks to Kisaco Research, the two pre-events of Animal Health Innovation Asia 2020 were successfully conducted on November 3rd and 10th. According to Mr. Stephen Swarray of Kisaco, 300 people joined the pre-event “Next Steps for Animal Health in Asia” by Zoetis. Of course, I really enjoyed both, too.

And I look forward to attending the main events on November 24-26.
We, AHRMS, are very honored to be “Consulting Partner” for the event again.
Nov. 25th will be the Japan Day named “Animal Health in Japan”, and as the Consulting Partner I will host two programs, i.e. the panel discussion with the 3 top leaders in Japan and also introduce 4 Japanese start-ups to global attendee.
– Panel Discussion: New Scenarios and Growth Opportunities for Animal Health in Japan Post COVID-19
Mr. Katsutoshi Kato, President, Zoetis Japan
Mr. Toshikazu Fukui, President, Zenoaq
Mr. Makoto Hagihara, Senior Managing Director, Kyoritsu Seiyaku
Hosted by Dr. Yuki Ujimasa, DVM, MS, President, AHRMS, Inc.
– Innovation Showcase
Mr. Kenta Yamato, President, Kaiko Ltd.
Mr. Wataru Kurihara, Director, MT3, Inc.
Mr. Koji Hori, CEO, Toletta Cats, Inc.
Dr. Kazuya Edamura, Assoc. Prof. Nihon University

Other programs will focus on Chinese Market on Nov. 24th and Indian and Australian Markets on Nov. 26th.
I truly hope that many people could attend the 3-day events and evaluate the possibility to enter into the markets and/or invest the Japanese start-ups.
See you in two weeks.
Registration and for more information: