Would you like to grow your companion animal business outside the US but are not sure where and now? How about in one of the most valuable markets in the world, Japan? Brakke Consulting can help.

For the first time, Brakke Consulting will be presenting a seminar on taking the first step in Japan at the Western Veterinary Conference on Monday, February 19th from 9:30-10:30 am in the Acacia 1 room at the Four Seasons Hotel. This seminar will be presented by Yuki Ujimasa, DVM, MS, a Brakke senior consultant based in Tokyo, who has broad experience in the Japanese market. Yuki will focus on the steps needed to get your product approved by the regulatory authorities in Japan. This will be a great seminar for companies looking to expand their global business but need some help to get started.
Monday, February 19, 2024 at WVC
Four Seasons Hotel, Acacia Room